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Showing posts from October, 2020

Down the road...

I started feeling pain in my right glute starting in July 2019. I stretched and foam rolled to try to make it get better, but I continued with my daily runs and workouts. One month later and the only way to not feel the pain shooting down the back of both of my legs was lying completely flat on my back. As someone who is always active, this was a big wake up call. I decided that I needed to do things right (not just take a break for a few days and then try running again), so I started Physical Therapy and stopped running or working out. Gotta admit, on top of struggling to stay still, one of my first thoughts was "how will I not gain weight if I can't workout?" Then I reminded myself what I tell clients all the time: wellness is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. I took a look at my nutrition and made sure I was eating good foods and not mindlessly snacking. Not only did I maintain my weight (even lost a few pounds), but it helped me reshape my mind-frame on exercise.  I

What Do You Believe?

The current discussion on social media these days has a lot to do with people's beliefs -- especially politically and with hot topics, etc. We are quick to point out if someone is leaning a certain way because of their beliefs...and then say that he/she is wrong to do so. However, we ALL make EVERY decision based our own set of beliefs (current culture is simply mad that your belief is different than its belief). And that includes our feelings about health and wellness. Have you ever thought of that before? How do your current beliefs of health, wellness, nutrition, exercise, etc. affect your lifestyle? With all the diet fads, past and present, our beliefs can be all over the place.  I think one of the biggest belief most people have is that it won't effect me.  I can have the hamburger, large fries, and jumbo Coke because it tastes good, I enjoy it, and I deserve it.  If it tastes good, how can it be bad for me? Or another belief: eating well means that I can't enjoy any g