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What's Your Excuse?

The excuses are rampant: I'm too busy; my kids come first; I don't like to exercise; I'll do ______ first, then I'll start getting healthy; is it really that important if I eat well and exercise? We all die one day -- might as well do what I want to...

That's a good question. Is important to be healthy? Well, if you want to have energy, keep up with your kids, not fall asleep constantly during the day, and live a long life (God-willing), the answer is YES! But the world around you will tell you it isn't.

In today's society, we are so caught up in everyone feeling good about themselves (every kid gets a trophy; it's okay if you are obese as long as you love yourself) that we allow people to live unhealthy lives. I know that there are legit medical conditions that cause people to gain weight or make it incredibly difficult to lose weight. And healthy looks different for all of us. I'm not just talking about pant-size, I'm talking about thriving and taking care of the body God has given you. You only get one.

The majority of deaths these days is from degenerative diseases -- things that can be prevented: heart attack, stroke, Diabetes (Type II), etc. The current generation of youth has a life expectancy shorter than ours. With all the modern technology we have, you would think it would be longer, but the poor eating and sedentary lifestyles that are being passed on to our youth have negated any medical advancements.

As a Christian, this should be more important to us, not less important. Yes, our souls and relationship with God comes first, but we are also required to care for what God has given us. "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Notice that it says "you do not belong to yourself." Most of us when we get a rental car make sure to return it in perfect condition -- no dings, no garbage, the tank is filled with gas. Yet we eat junk food and fill our bodies with garbage instead of properly taking care of them. We were created to love God and glorify him forever. Are you bringing glory to God by how you care for you body? Are you able to fully engage and minister to others when you can barely make it up the stairs without having to stop to get a breath?

So what does it look like to have a healthy life? It's NOT about starving yourself of constantly going on ridiculous diet or becoming a health nut. It's making good choices. It's eating clean foods -- fresh produce and meats. Stay away from processed foods as much as you can. It's about getting good exercise -- around thirty minutes a day. It's about taking good supplements (you get what you pay for) -- it's impossible to get optimal level of vitamins and minerals that we need (to thrive not just survive) through just our food. Also consider the amount of chemicals around you that you consume, inhale, and/or put on your body.

As a Health Coach, it is my passion to see people become healthy and live active and thriving lives. I want to help people be able to breath easier, walk better, think clearer, and sleep deeper. If you are in need of some guidance in any of these areas or encouragement, I would love help you! Contact me and I will be happy to meet with you or talk over the phone. You can also check out my website: It is filled with tons of information on nutrition, supplements, exercise, essential oils, and going chemical-free. I would love to see you reach your health goals. :)


Alysia said…
Well said! Now I just need to do it! ;)

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